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Spaces and places


Key points

  • Arts, culture and heritage enliven spaces and places, fostering opportunities to connect with others and activate communities.

  • The use of underutilised spaces and the activation of non-traditional spaces (aged care facilities, parks, shopping centres, hospitals) could provide more spaces for engagement with creative activity. 

  • The protection and celebration of heritage places, architecture and environment is important to the attractiveness and distinctive identity of communities.


What people said during the consultation: 


A lack of affordable and suitable infrastructure leads to numerous issues including a lack of stability, accessibility and visibility for the sector. Creating spaces where multiple artists or arts organisations can be clustered together leads to greater opportunities for support, collaboration and comradeship. (Sector survey respondent)

Shared spaces, co-working or collective hubs are the best infrastructure to support this industry and there are opportunities to repurpose or reimagine the way that existing arts infrastructure or disused public utility infrastructure (old powerhouse, butter factories, power stations, fire stations etc). (Written Submission)

More thoughtful and energetic use of the assets that we have – innovative repurposing of spaces to allow for production of arts, the clash of ideas in spaces such as libraries or civic centres.  (Written submission)

Increase access to creative spaces and cultural infrastructure - for both artists to access as well as audiences (Sector Survey respondent)