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The Centre is home to a number of arts companies such as JUTE Theatre Company, Miriki Performing Arts, Arts Queensland, NorthSite Contemporary Arts and The Pryce Centre for Culture and Arts. The Centre also presents an ambitious program of exhibitions and events presented by our tenants throughout the year.

Pryce Centre for Culture and Arts

Pryce Centre for Culture and Arts is Indigenous Australian owned and operated, and a place of creative and cultural innovation. We work with a wide range of clients from grass roots to corporate level and have extensive experience in cultural maintenance and creative arts development. 


Minjil helps to build a true and authentic connection with Indigenous people and culture. 

Minjil works with committed business in tourism, education, corporate and government to create solutions for our valued clients that are seeking connection to Indigenous Australia's rich art, culture and the history of Cairns.

NorthSite Contemporary Arts (formerly KickArts)

NorthSite Contemporary Arts is a leading contemporary visual arts organisation in regional Queensland and one of the most innovative in the state. Based in Cairns, NorthSite Contemporary Arts reach encompasses Tropical North Queensland, extending into the remote and regional communities of Cape York and the Torres Strait.

Miriki Performing Arts

Miriki Performing Arts (formerly Biddigal Performing Arts) was created to encourage and give opportunity to the Indigenous Australian youth (based in Cairns) to create, choreograph and perform their Australian Indigenous heritage through theatre based performances.

Original choreography is entirely based on true stories which capture Australian Indigenous history. Miriki performers feel honoured by presenting Indigenous elders’ story via theatrical performances.

JUTE Theatre Company

JUTE’s vision to enrich the world through theatre is put into practice every day as they flame the fires of creativity in regional theatre-makers, providing unfettered opportunities for the development and production of inspired new works that radiate the social space and ignite the imagination of the region. JUTE forges long-lasting artistic and strategic relationships that connect us to each other and the world at large. Always exciting, always different things to do in Cairns.

Arts Queensland

Bulmba-ja, managed by Arts Queensland, is a theatre, gallery and creative development space that plays a vital role in the thriving Cairns arts scene.

The Arts Queensland team based in Cairns is responsible for the agency’s program delivery, infrastructure management and stakeholder relations in Cairns and Far North Queensland, including the Queensland Government’s Backing Indigenous Arts (BIA) initiative to build sustainable and ethical Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts industries in Queensland.