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Attendance and participation by Queenslanders aged 5-14 years old

Engagement in quality arts and culture can positively impact child development. Research shows that engagement in arts and culture in children can build self-confidence, support motor development, increase positive behaviour and enhance academic achievement.

This data summary draws on the ABS data set Participation in Selected Cultural Activities. It provides insight into how Queensland children aged 5 to 14 years engage in arts and culture (outside school hours) both as active participants and audience members and how engagement changes with age. 


Key data

  • More than half of Queenslanders aged 5 to 14 years old participate in a creative activity outside schools hours.
  • Females are more likely to participate in creative activities than males.
  • Arts and craft activities are the most common form of engagement, followed by singing or playing a musical instrument, creative writing and dancing.
  • Overall creative engagement remains consistent between 5-8 years and 12-14 years, however, engagement in specific creative activities does changes with age.
  • Libraries and archives are the most visited cultural venue or event for Queenslanders aged 5 to 14 years, followed by performing arts events, museums and art galleries.


Image of the picture 1One in three Queensland children participate in a cultural activity outside school

More than half of Queenslanders aged 5 to 14 years old participated in at least one creative activity outside schools hours. This includes participation in drama activities, singing, playing a musical instrument, dancing and craft, creative writing and creating digital content. Seven in 10 Queenslanders aged 5-14 years read for pleasure.

Girls are more likely to participate in at least one organised creative activity than boys (65.4% compared to 48.3%). Females are also more likely to read for pleasure than boys. 



Image of the number 2Arts and craft are the most common type of creative engagement

Arts and craft activities are the most common type of creative engagement by Queenslanders aged 5 to 14 years old, followed by singing or playing a musical instrument, creative writing, dancing, creating digital content and drama activities.




Image of the number 3Participation in creative activities changes with age.

Whilst creative engagement remain consistent between 5-8 years and 12-14 years, engagement in some activities does change with age. This could be attributed to changing interest, availability of activities for a specific age group and limited time due to other commitments.

Across a number of activities engagement declines between 5-8 years and 12-14 years. The exceptions to this are drama and singing or playing a musical instrument which peak at 9-11 years before declining. Creating digital content is the only activity which increases with age.



Graph 1: Percentage of Queensland children aged 5-15 years old, by age and creative activity

This data is also available in the attached table (DOCX) (13.12 KB) .


Image of the number 4Libraries and archives are the most visited cultural venue or event

One in two Queenslanders aged 5-14 years attend a library or archive outside of school hours. Libraries are the most commonly visited cultural venue and activities followed by performing arts events and museums and art galleries.

Attendance at cultural venue declines with age, particularly with museums. In contrast there is a slight increase in attendance at performing arts events. This change in attendance could reflect interest in the activity, programming available or conflicting demands.  



 Graph 2: Percentage of Queensland children aged 5-15 years old attending cultural institutions by age

This data is also available in the attached table (DOCX) (13.12 KB) .


Image of the number 5Attendance at specific performing arts events varies with age

One in two Queenslanders aged 5-14 years attend at least one performing arts events. Attendance at performing arts varies with age. Live Music events, dance performance and musical and operas attract a higher percentage of the 12-14 years age group.




Graph 3: Percentage of Queenslanders aged 5-14 years attending performing arts event

This data is also available in the attached table (DOCX) (13.12 KB) .


Find out more

Participation in Selected Cultural Activities, Australia, 2017-18 (ABS 4921.0): summary data about children aged 5-14 years who have participated in selected cultural activities outside of school hours including performing arts, singing or playing a musical instrument, dancing, writing, visual art and craft activities.